Microsoft is now offering a free download of Lookout, the Outlook-compatible search tool it acquired last week.
[via Google Blogoscoped]
The personal professional blog of Pamela Parker -- musings on marketing, advertising, media and technology.
Microsoft is now offering a free download of Lookout, the Outlook-compatible search tool it acquired last week.
[via Google Blogoscoped]
This is fantastic: “A total of 20 mature students at Strathclyde University’s Senior Studies Institute took part in a tutorial on the various uses of a mobile phone.”
Nice defense of e-mail by Matt Blumberg of Return Path. I agree. There are definitely flaws in the medium, but efforts are underway (spam filtering, e-mail authentication, reputation services) that I think will make a big and positive impact. For person-to-person communications online, what else is there? There are instant messaging apps, for sure, and some suggest they will take on e-mail traffic. That’s a possibility, I suppose, but I think e-mail in its current incarnation (as seen from the end-user perspective) has become too important to abandon. Those who think it’s on its way out probably take it for granted to the extent that they don’t realize what life would be like without it.
*sniff* Anil Dash gives me a preview of what it feels like to leave New York City for San Francisco. I can already feel myself disengaging from this place in some ways. Yet, there are other parts of my life here I want to grasp onto more tightly than ever.