I’m honored to have been chosen (by whatever process is in place) as Feedster XML feed of the day. Welcome to any new visitors to The-River.net. Blogging here has been, and will likely continue to be, somewhat light, as homeownership happens, pregnancy reaches its peak (36 weeks now), etc., but I’ll be returning to the primary topics of media, marketing, advertising, word-of-mouth, search, etc. in the not-too-distant future. Hang in there. I am.
Thanks to Zach for the heads up.
UPDATE: Feedster’s director of marketing Beverly Parenti just e-mailed me to let me know I’d been chosen. From her e-mail:
“Feed of the Day” is a service we provide for Feedster users, pointing them toward a new or timely or under-appreciated or just plain unexpected RSS feed.
Don’t know exactly where I fit in there, but it’s very nice.
Musharraf = Coward
I can hear them snickering disdainfully in the Oval: