So, the big spam attack has had another interesting consequence. Apparently, the new MSN Search indexed the page with all of the crazy, nasty spam on it, so the new, revamped site is getting traffic from people searching for unspeakable things on MSN. How disappointed these folks must be when their search for “horny drunk girls hardcore sex pictures” (just one example) brings them here. (This is my not-so-techie interpretation of my referrer logs.)
When you search for my name (ah, vanity searching) on MSN you get as the first result, and the cached page leads you to the spam-ridden version.
The result looks something like this:
The River
… material now manuscript horsewomen clothesbrush noetherian jobholder somewhere poultry posted by Pamela @ 6:51:10 PM | 0 comments Invest in your own home business Subscriber … Cached page
I assume that refers to your former lifestyle – those wild @NY years….can’t some people leave the past to rest??!!