Threadwatch has an update on the Mark Jen story.
UPDATE: Even more on Mark Jen (with an interview and a picture!) from Gelf Magazine. [thx for tip, David]
The personal professional blog of Pamela Parker -- musings on marketing, advertising, media and technology.
Threadwatch has an update on the Mark Jen story.
UPDATE: Even more on Mark Jen (with an interview and a picture!) from Gelf Magazine. [thx for tip, David]
Apparently, parents in SF are pushing for a later start to the school year so they can attend Burning Man. What is this place I’ve moved to? 😉
Ross Mayfield blogs Mark Fletcher’s first presentation post-Bloglines’ acquisition by Ask Jeeves. The talk was at the Media Center Emerging Tech conference in Palo Alto I attended yesterday (and will join up with later today, as well).
Another interesting tidbit: Fletcher said Bloglines is working to build out social networking features that would allow users to share their subscriptions, clipblogs, etc. (not sure of specifics here and of course left my notebook at home). You’ll be able to share only with a certain network of people, rather than the public at large (you can now do some of this with a Bloglines public profile). He also said it wasn’t antithetical to Bloglines’ business model to share data (in the aggregate) about subscriptions, views, etc. (This last was in answer to a question by Seth Goldstein, who I haven’t seen since back in the day but was glad to chat with briefly yesterday.)
Danny Sullivan has a great post about blogging, news embargoes and how SEW handles them. My thoughts on the subject are very similar.
I am out at the Media Center Emerging Technology conference in Palo Alto – organized by blogger Susan Mernit. No live blogging but will post later if it is warranted.
Oh, goodness. Golden Palace Casino (which is already having its logo emblazoned on a pregnant woman’s belly) is currently the top bidder ($21,600.00) for the prop “Lincoln Fry” McDonalds used in its Super Bowl spot.
Other “Lincoln Fry” online elements include:
UPDATE: Unsurprisingly, Golden Palace won the “Lincoln Fry” auction. CNN covers this important news.